A truthful testimony from a God-fearing man. The moment Trent played me this song I knew it was one I had to do. I grew up in a Pentecostal home which sowed the seed for my relationship with God. In my late teens early twenties I had moments of rebellion, I had unanswered questions and I had anger in my heart. My faith has always been there but maybe not at the forefront of my life like it should have been.
My family and I found a “home church” this year and it has been the biggest blessing. Watching my kiddos grow up praying and knowing God in their heart is something I am so grateful for. Dakota Lynn tells us every Sunday what she learned about Jesus and is currently questioning where He is “high up in the sky” so we are working on clarifying that one. Jax tells us stories from the Bible with such vigor and Graydon says “AMEN” with true conviction. Tay and I know to bring tissues in our pockets every Sunday because Citipointe is that good.
Have I always been a believer?…yes. Do I go through phases still of wavering with my day to day and church attendance?…. yes. But I know He loves me and I couldn’t have said it any better than this song. I have received incredible messages from people who have been touched by this one. I hope it speaks to you the way it does me.
Me and Jesus is available on: